
Episode Stills 5x02 - Chuck vs The Bearded Bandit

  • If you want to read Sarah Walker's file at Verbanski company  click here
  • Mosaic Sarah walker - here

Joshua Gomez, Zachary Levi and Yvonne Strahovski on set

Yvonne tweet non stop...HA!

Yvonne working at night and she tweets alot. 
How cool is that? here we go...
BTW, some of the tweets are writen in polish.

 Yvonne Strahovski 

And thats a wrap. Goodnight world. 3:27am. Over and OUT!!!

 Yvonne Strahovski 

See what I have to fight in ? 

This is for Yvonne:

 Yvonne Strahovski 

me too ;) “ I LOVE pickled cabbage!!! Yum (gives me a bit of gas, though;-))”
 Yvonne Strahovski 

Mmm jajecnica z szypiorkiem !!!!!!!!
 Yvonne Strahovski 

 Yvonne Strahovski 

Raining here. Bloody freezing. 2:42am.
 Yvonne Strahovski 

Kabanosa tez bym zjadla. Kapuste kiszona tez. Z swierza bolka. Yum. Polskie jedzenie jest najlepsze.
 Yvonne Strahovski 

I think i may have to do my fight scene in 10 minutes. Wake up wakeupwakeupwaakeeuupppp
 Yvonne Strahovski 

Ah dzien dobry Polska! Bym zjadla mojej babci placki w tym momencie...albo sledzie...;)
 Yvonne Strahovski 

Hello Turkey ;);)
 Yvonne Strahovski 

Ktora godzina w Polsce ??
 Yvonne Strahovski 

Ciao Italia ! My favorite cuisine :)
 Yvonne Strahovski 


 Yvonne Strahovski 

Goooodmorning UK... Only a few more hours till the sun rises here ..........
 Yvonne Strahovski 

 Yvonne Strahovski 

Hi Philippines ;)
 Yvonne Strahovski 

just dont sit in MY chair. Or else. “I'm actually sitting in Doug Orenstien's chair...don't tell him!”
 Yvonne Strahovski 

tsk tsk...naughty naughty.. “ I'm actually sitting in Doug Orenstien's chair...don't tell him!”
 Yvonne Strahovski 

No! Not in NZ! Just sayin' hi :)
 Yvonne Strahovski 

Bonjour France :)
 Yvonne Strahovski 

Hi NZ :)
 Yvonne Strahovski 

hows it goin over there in your chair robbo macca ? “: feels that way...”
 Yvonne Strahovski 

1:57 on the set of chuck. We may be here a Very Long Time...
 Yvonne Strahovski 

 French friday is WHEN we have french fries late on a friday night :)
 Yvonne Strahovski 

french friday is WHEN.. “ Sorry for my lack of culture but what is a French Friday? Being French I'm curious :-)”
 Yvonne Strahovski 

12:49am on the set of chuck. More bad assery. Another fraturday. Another french friday.
 Yvonne Strahovski 

Maybe not quite a sidekick... :) but fun to see chucksters win another poll for us :) love to youusseee
 Yvonne Strahovski 

awww :) so fun “: Well look who won the Sexiest Sidekick Poll! GREAT JOB CHUCKSTERS and SWFGs!!